Why I Chose AdvoCare

My best friend from my hometown shared AdvoCare with me. At the time, I was a huge skeptic and didn't want any part of this "pyramid scheme". Jenna was persistent and after hearing her out and researching the company on the Internet I knew I was ready to try the products. After ten days on the products, I was ready to become a Distributor. After my first business opportunity meeting, I was ready to become an Advisor.

AdvoCare is a premier health and wellness company offering world-class energy, weight-loss, nutrition, and sports performance products along with a rewarding business opportunity. Lets face it, people need two things: weight loss and energy. I needed a little of one and a great deal of the other. AdvoCare was an option right under my nose for months but I was too skeptical to notice. I have found that when people step outside their excuses and give these products a chance they are blown away by the quality that they receive in each order. AdvoCare isn't a fad diet. It focuses on core nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. There are no magic pills or shakes. AdvoCare offers so many products that anyone can customize a plan for their specific health goal.

AdvoCare offers their members (known as "Distributors") a chance to purchase products at a discount. You qualify by purchasing a "Distributor kit" for $79.00. This kit includes $50 worth of product sample and all the literature you need to get your business up and running (if you choose to pursue an income). I encourage everyone that orders product to become a distributor. Almost every person that tries Spark (AdvoCare's alternative to cokes, coffee, and sugar filled drinks) will end up being a lifetime fan of the product. Your discount pays for itself in no time if Spark is the only product you use regularly. 

I would love to share more with you if you're interested. Please visit www.healthiereachday.com for a list of products and descriptions. 

Have a great day!

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